
What Is Gaslighting in Relationships?

Examples of Gaslighting in a Relationship

Gaslighting is a kind of emotional abuse in relationships. It occurs when someone persuades their target that they are improperly recalling or interpreting events. By presenting their own sentiments and views as fact, the gaslighter seeks to persuade the other person.

In a relationship, gaslighting can range from anything as simple as being convinced that you’re the one who consistently leaves the bathroom light on (and racks up the power bill) to a far more terrible situation in which one person is pushed to question their own reality. It’s sometimes described as a sort of romantic terrorism, and it may even go hand in hand with domestic violence2, but even in milder cases, the phenomena can be extremely detrimental to a love connection.

Gaslight This: 7 Phrases People Who Gaslight Say

What Are Some Romantic Relationship Gaslighting Examples?

In romantic relationships, gaslighting may take many different forms. Examples of gaslighting include your partner’s need to be correct all of the time or to constantly have the upper hand.

When a gaslighter persuades their spouse that their accomplishments and other connections are insignificant, this is a frequent example. The idea is to elevate the abuser to the top of the victim’s priority list.

More Self Help: How to Spot and Fight Gaslighting by Parents

On other occasions, such as during an argument, they may flatly reject things that you know are accurate. When you’re annoyed because they’re late for an important event, a gaslighter might tell you that you’re too sensitive, stiff, or [fill in the blank] to justify insensitive actions or conceal their tracks. As you strive to avoid another blowup as a consequence of these gaslighting symptoms, you may feel as if you’re walking on eggshells.

Protecting Yourself

It’s not your fault if you’re being gaslighted in your relationship. It might be difficult to spot gaslighting, let alone prevent it. Knowing the warning signals and realising that you aren’t “crazy” will assist you to avoid being gaslighted.

It’s difficult, but an unhealthy relationship may end. Seeking help may help you heal more quickly. You can discuss receiving help for being gaslit from your primary care provider or mental health professional.

You may focus on confirming positives in your life if you’ve exited an abusive relationship. It could be beneficial to keep a notebook and write down what you know to be true. It will help you to centre yourself if you surround yourself with individuals who validate you and your reality.

Bottom Line

Resolve to trust your gut and follow your instincts now and in the future. “The internal step, in terms of what to do if you feel gaslighted, is to make the promise to yourself that you will not question your ideas, feelings, or perceptions about anything,” Bergen recommends. “That is a decision you make as an individual to reevaluate a circumstance in which no one is permitted to re-narrate anything for you.” To put it another way, your feelings, ideas, and recollections should never be questioned.

Find out more about how to successfully handle gaslighting and how to stop psychological bullying here

Keep Watching: What Gaslighting Sounds Like

Dave P
Dave P
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