
Why Northern Ireland Borders Will Remain Open

Why Northern Ireland Borders Will Remain Open

Why Northern Ireland Borders Will Remain Open
Image Source Pixabay

Northern Ireland borders – The vote for Brexit was a success despite the Project Fear by the Stay Team. Residents along the open border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland have the fear that things could change.

But is that true? Join us as we give you a deep insight into why this border will not be closed.

Things are likely to remain as they have always been. Those crossing will not be blocked in any way. They will just be required to pay a small fee to carry out currency change. Irish citizens will be able to visit and live in Britain. The current estimates already indicate that 400,000 have done that. These will not be chased back to their country as some Stay Campaigners claim.

Even before the vote results came out, Lord Nigel Lawson had already weighed into the matter. He is quoted saying “border controls” will be a necessity but “not prevention of genuine Irish from crossing the border.”

Theresa Villiers, UK Secretary of State for Northern Ireland was also not left behind. According to her, “the land border” shared with Ireland will be “as free-flowing after Brexit vote as it is today.”

The Northern Ireland Borders Will Not Close

  • The peace of Northern Ireland is for the good of both countries. No country would wish to see the 1998 Belfast Agreement squashed away. Northern Ireland and Ireland are inter-dependent by design. If Britain stimulates the closure of the border, it will be the main stimulant of return to conflict. This will lead to huge political costs that no one is ready to pay
  • An open border is good for the economic development of Northern Ireland and the South. It is thus a necessity to keep it open for the sake of “All Island Economy.”
  • Northern Ireland and the republic practically depend on each other for trade. The North provides market for the goods produced in the North and closing this border will mean a constraint to this freedom. The shops and businesses on either sides of the border will still accept pounds and euros
  • Ireland has interests in the North. Not just for their historical relations but for many other factors as well. For instance, the Ireland government owns an entire electrical grid across the six counties
  • The collaboration between the North Ireland Assembly and the Irish government is deeper than probably one witnessed in most US states. Security and police services in either jurisdiction work together more closely than even those in same countries
  • Yes, there will be some slight limitations on the ability to live and work in European Union countries but no country wants to deter tourists. There is a high likelihood a travel visa will not be required

Northern Ireland Borders – Open and free

In any case, the Northern Ireland borders are just on the map but not existent at all. You will find yourself crossing to the other side even without noticing.

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Main Image Source : Pixabay

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