
This is How Stress Cause Heart Attacks

One of the major reason for Heart Attack is Stress

There are new findings on how stress may increase ones’ risks of heart problems and even stroke.

Stress and sickness

‘’These findings are actually long stories and explanations, which show absurdity and allow reproduction,” says health experts.

Stress can’t be avoided by anyone, it’s everywhere. But sometimes the major stressful events such as the death of a loved one or the loss of a job can mount up and begin to affect an individual’s health.

How can you tell if you are Stressed?

According to Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) these signs could mean you need to  step back and deal with your stress:


  • Tension or Irritable which affects your day-to-day interaction with people
  • Fear or anxiety about the future
  • Difficulty in making decisions
  • Frequent nightmares or sleeplessness
  • Feeling powerless

Here are Some of the Things You Can do to Avoid Stress

  • Try to avoid drugs and alcohol- they make you feel good temporarily but they can be a dangerous crouch.
  • Find support where you feel there are some difficulties- you talk to a friend clergy or even a doctor because a problem shared is half solved.
  • Be with friends around you-  making fun and laughing reduces stress in a person.
  • Be good to yourself- exercise, have enough time for sleep (6-8 hours), eat healthily and always keep your mind active.

Stress Cause Heart Attacks

This is How Stress Cause Heart Attacks
Image Source Pixabay

Scientist had found out that stress can cause heart problems, but how the two are linked has been a great question up to date.

The processes taking place at the amygdala, region of the brain that is associated with fear and stress, is able to foretell ones risk for experiencing heart disease and stroke, according to the study available in the journal The Lancet.

“The study fashioned a number of novel findings. It showed, for the initial time in animals reproduction or humans, the part of the brain—the amygdala—that connects to the possibility of successive cardiovascular disease,” said the lead author of the study, Dr.Ahmed Tawakol, co-director of the cardiac PET/CT program at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Tawakol explained that the amygdala is the most essential constituent of the brain’s stress system and becomes metabolically dynamic when one is typically stressed.

In addition, he said that the study could offer other means on how to do away or ease the stress-related cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases— associated mostly with the heart or blood vessels – is the leading cause of mortality among men and women all over the world. This is research done by the World Health Organization.

It is approximated that in every three United states adults, one is likely to suffer from a heart attack.

Cardiac Health Facts

This is How Stress Cause Heart Attacks
Image Source Pixabay

Two common misconceptions are that heart attack only happens to older people and only happens when the arteries get blocked. Well, in most cases the heart attack is caused by microvascular disease. This disease involves small arteries that buried deep into the heart muscles. They either do not relax well enough or they actually can go into spasm accord to Dr.Melissa Wood (Co-director of the women health program in Boston, Massachusetts General Hospital)

There are very little known facts about heart disease. For instance, it is true one can die of a broken heart if the stress is high enough.

Symptoms of heart attack are pretty much the same in men as in women.

Another myth is that heart attack only happens to those who are out of shape and have careless health habits.


We Were Surprised

The recent study was carried out on  293 adults who underwent PET and CT scans at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, between 2005 and 2008. The scans showed the brain actions, bone marrow activity, spleen actions and inflammations that occurred in heart arteries.

The flora and fauna studies have recommended that stress can cause an increase in the multiplication of cells both in the bone marrow and the spleen.

The researchers followed up the health of each of the patients for two to five years and found out that 22 of the scanned patients had an episode of the cardiovascular disease that is stroke, heart attack or heart failure.

The heart health of each of the patients was analysed and the researchers found that higher activity in the amygdala was related to a higher risk of cardiovascular occurrence.

The relationship between the amygdala and cardiovascular disease occurrences is important.

Tawakol said that they were surprised at how strongly amygdala actions showed hard cardiovascular occurrences. It also gave information on the immediate occurrence of the disease.

The researcher found out that amygdala was linked with increased bone marrow activities and inflammation in the arteries.

They concluded that the complex chain of the disease occurrences explained the linkage between stress and heart attack.

Increased stress increases the activation of the cell production in the bone marrow activating amygdala, this leads to inflammation of the arteries that may cause one on the cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or heart attack.

Stress – A Hard Nut to Crack

Still, “there is no statistical importance that proves the cause of the disease according to the study,” said Tawakol. More investigations have to be carried out to duplicate the findings in more than the earlier studied number of patients.

Thomas Kamarck said that there is no legitimate way to explain and measure stress. He is a professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. One of the queries’ he had about the measure of resting amygdala, action as used by the authors, is whether it is lawfully conceptualized as an indicator of stress experience, reactivity or possibly both.

“Cutting-edge” was the new name given to the new finding, given by Dr.Joel Dimsdale, distinguished professor emeritus at the University of California, San Diego.

Though he was not involved in the new findings, Dimsdale has conducted research on psychological stress and cardiovascular diseases.

“The most effective cause of cardiovascular diseases are diet, physical activity and genetics. However according to the research shows that  how the brain takes stress is what links it to the risks of one being attacked by the cardiovascular disease,” said Dimsdale. “this gives a new way of  probing the connection between stress, emotion and c cardiovascular disease.”

We can’t avoid stress, but here’s how to manage it.

In a way, you may not even realize stress impact on your body and your health. It can cause headaches, muscle tension, chest pain, anxiety, and fatigue. It can also impact your mood and behaviours such as over-eating or excess alcohol consumption.

High level of stress is also linked to diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.

Main Image Source : Pixabay

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