
Freelancers – Stories & Interviews


Australia Unwrapped set a new milestone to publish Freelancing Stories, Interviews, and Advises etc. under section Freelance Connections (Inspired by “Humans of New York”). Our aim is to contribute to the freelancer community by sharing their journeys into freelancing. Surely, there will be many successful freelancers, happily freelancing with good thoughts about freelancing platforms while there would be few unsuccessful as well. The experienced freelancers would have precious tips and advise for newcomers, while there would be many newbies who would be looking for such guides to start their career.

Freelancer Questionnaire PDF

Freelancer Questionnaire Word


Freelance Connections

People who are self-employed, working on their own schedules at their own prices for their own chosen clients, also usually no long-term commitment involved, are known as freelancers. Due to easy accessibility to the internet has given a boost to freelancing as now there are many who love to work from home or anywhere else as a freelancer so they can spare more time for their family and friends. Freelancing gives you the freedom that you work 1st week of the month only and generates 10 times better income than any regular monthly basis job.

Newbie Freelancers’ Question is: HOW?

Freelancing might be a money game for many experienced freelancers as they are playing it for years but due to tough competition on freelancing platforms, it is a bit hard for newbie freelancers to win their first project. Many might have left freelancing after the day-night struggle of starting months.

Via Australia Unwrapped, we want to share experiences of many (Both positive & negative) so where positive freelancing stories will give you motivation, there negative freelancing stories will give you confidence too. Moreover, you would learn a lot from others’ experiences.

How Will This Campaign be Helpful for Freelancers?

Other than sharing just stories to entertain you, motivate you and inspire you, we believe, this campaign will be helpful in following ways:

  1. If your interview or story will be published on Australia Unwrapped, it might be gone through by your potential clients who will hire you by using your profile URL included in your interview.
  2. If your a happy freelancer on any platform, you good feedback will appreciate your favorite freelancing website. This will also help clients find you on your favored platform.
  3. If you are a dissatisfied freelancer, still your message or feedback can be helpful for many so newbie freelancers should stay away from that platform or at least that activity which can bring stress and loss to them.

Look, there can be many thoughts, experiences and stories you would love to share with the world, No? Such as how you met a fraudulent client, how someone wasted your time, efforts and money too. What mistakes you have made? there would be many good friendly clients too. Such as I believe Australian people are very polite, friendly, and honest to work with so this can be a suggestion for newbie freelancers that for their very first project, they should try to win a project of Australian client to gain confidence to their prior field.

Other than a freelancer-client relationship, there could be many things to share about platforms. Freelancing platforms promise us to keep our security and only, for this reason, we are paying monthly & project basis taxes while are they really providing us any security? As there are the number of annoying stories of freelancers who doesn’t have complaints about clients but about platforms where they work.

Also, which platform, you think is better and why?  So, new freelancers can try their luck on the best platform first instead of trying from worst and losing hope & confidence.

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Sample Questionnaire for freelancers

Following type of questionnaire, you will get if you are a freelancer and chosen for an interview, however, for clients there will be different questions 🙂

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Profile URL:
Freelancing Since:
Top Skills: 

Are you a happy Freelancer?

What makes you happy as a freelancer?

What challenges do you face as a freelancer?

How do you convince clients for choosing you to award projects?

Have you ever met with a fraud client?

Would you love to share any inspirational freelancing story about any successful project?

How would you suggest others to write an effective proposal to win projects?

What is your strategy to verify clients to avoid any negative experience?

Are you an individual freelancer or working with the team? What is your preference?

Would you love to suggest others to become freelancers?

According to your point of view, how one can become a successful freelancer?

What do you suggest to others to avoid negative reviews on freelancing profile?

Stay tuned!

Also See : Interview Questions For Hiring a Freelancer

Freelancing – advantages and disadvantages

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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