
Alex Morgan’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Alex Morgan Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Alex Morgan, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Alex Morgan you will find my Ten favourites of Alex Morgan’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“A region where the men love their women one beat shy of a heart attack. A corner of the world proving there are some things hotter in the South than the weather.”
― Alex Morgan, Chasing Midnight

 “It’s a section of the country where charm oozes from the men as easily as their southern drawls, and the women are soaked in seduction.”
― Alex Morgan, Chasing Midnight

“It’s a sanctuary where the darkest desires of the people are shared in the light of a Georgia moon; with a picture perfect town as a backdrop.”
― Alex Morgan, Chasing Midnight

 “Seeing a man so broken over losing his wife caused an ache in Quinn’s own heart. Seeing it reminded him that while love hurt, it still had the power to heal and he wished that Avery would find some relief from his kids.”
― Alex Morgan, Chasing Midnight

 “I’d like to see you try to have my job. Around here I’m more connected than a Kennedy. As for our animals, there is no rapin’ involved, they are more than willing, just ask your “girlfriend.” She is probably gettin’ a little animal lovin’, and it’s probably better than you, which is why she isn’t answering your calls. Also, we aren’t hillbillies, we are rednecks. Don’t you have a map fucktard, no mountains in this part of the state, but you bring your ass down here, and I’ll do you a solid. I’ll introduce you to the fuckin’ bubba-brigade. Have a good night, and if Mhisery ever rolls off the animal she is on, I’ll tell her you called.”
― Alex Morgan, Chasing Midnight

 “Quinn would have closed the bar down if needed. There was nothing in this world that was more important to him than his family. He would always come when any of them, even Avalon, who barely ever came home, needed him. He would stand up for them, whether they were right or wrong. He would pick them up if they fell and he would always be proud of them — no matter how small their accomplishments. He was, and always would be, their elder brother, father figure, friend, or whatever role they needed him to be.”
― Alex Morgan, Chasing Midnight

“It was time to face the second hardest fact in her life; she had a dead mother, and a father who was actively killing himself, but not with the quick shot of a gun, but rather, with the slow tilt of the bottle.”
― Alex Morgan, Chasing Midnight

 “So, I was thinkin’ of pickin’ up a job as a male stripper . It would be a way to meet women and earn money. Thoughts?” That should refocus his brother if no other way but him pausing to consider it. Quinn had undiagnosed ADHD, Chance was sure of it, and on occasion you had to refocus him. The same worked when Quinn went off on a tangent, you had to flash something bright to get him off the tangent, and in this case, the shiny was Chance becoming a stripper.”
― Alex Morgan

“As he slowed his speed, in reverence to his home, he noticed the long row of trees lining each side of the drive had started to bloom; adding to the beauty of the landscape. As long as he lived, taking the winding drive to the house would always warm his heart and feel like home.”
― Alex Morgan, Chasing Midnight

“He was doing what he had always promised her he would do, he was taking care of her . He was taking it all away so she didn’t have to think about anything but him. A lone tear fell from her eye and slid down her cheek as her heart swelled with love for the man who was fucking her senseless so she could have some sort of peace in the world, if only for a short time.”
― Alex Morgan, Chasing Midnight

10 Famous Quotes by Author Alex Morgan

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Alex Morgan, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Alex Morgan.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Alex Morgan. 

One Final Bonus – Alex Morgan Quote 

“There wasn’t an inch of Mhisery that Quinn didn’t find gorgeous, from her brain, to her body to her tightly guarded heart.”

― Alex Morgan, Chasing Midnight

Dave P
Dave P
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