
Tips For Travelling With Hand Luggage For More Than a Week

Travelling With Hand Luggage

The rise in popularity of low-cost carriers has reduced plane ticket rates, but it has also raised our anxieties regarding our luggage. These airlines often charge between 15 and 45 euros to check luggage, which is often more costly than the flying ticket. As a result, many individuals choose to merely carry hand baggage. This implies that in certain situations, the luggage can’t be bigger than 55 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm, while in others, it can’t be bigger than 55 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm. Furthermore, the suitcase must not weigh more than 10 kg. With these proportions, carrying everything is really tough, therefore you must manage to take just what you need on our adventures and vacations.

If we are going on a trip that will last more than a week, we will need to be extremely cautious about how we manage the space in our bags. These are the guidelines to follow in order to create the ideal hand luggage:

Make a list

Sit down and consider what you absolutely must bring with you on your vacation. Make a list of everything you’ll need, and then select which items are most important for your expedition.

Wear the bulkiest things

If your trip necessitates the use of winter gear, it is preferable to wear the clothes you normally wear on the day of the flight. Always put on the most voluminous footwear, the warmest clothing, the biggest purse, and so forth. You will have extra room in your bag as a result of this.

Roll up your clothes

It may seem strange, but instead of folding your clothing like you normally would at home, roll them up. You will save a significant amount of space. If you pack them on rolls, T-shirts, slacks, and sweaters will scarcely wrinkle, so you won’t need to bring your iron with you. Unpack all of your clothing as soon as you get to your location, and if any are wrinkled, hang them in the restroom. You can make it perfect again using the steam from the shower.

The more compact the suitcase, the better

Fill the suitcase to the brim with items, being sure to fill all of the gaps. And when we say “everyone,” we mean it. Many times, we are unaware of the full extent of our suitcase’s capacity. We’re referring to the pockets and the hole in the shoes where you may store your socks or underwear.

Optimize the bag

The toiletry bag is the piece of baggage that causes the greatest hassles due to airport security requirements. Keep in mind that any liquid (creams, lipsticks, shampoo, or deodorant) has to be well preserved. Individual containers with a volume of less than 100 millilitres are transported. They must all be carried in a clear plastic bag with a volume of less than one litre, which must be visible while going through security. In any event, carry just what you need and remember that you can always purchase inexpensive deodorant or toothpaste at your destination if you want to conserve room.

Choose basics

The secret to building this kind of luggage is to stick to simple pieces that go together nicely. You can wear jeans with various outfits on different days without seeming like you’re the same person. Black dresses, white t-shirts, and navy blue jackets are always fantastic choices that may be worn at any time of day and in any scenario. Consider the appearance you’ll wear every day to help you pare down your belongings and choose what is really important.

Your documents always with you

You can’t accomplish anything until you have documentation. The best option is to invest in a fanny pack or small bag that will enable you to carry your passport, national identification card, and cash with you for the duration of your vacation.

Don’t pack the suitcase

It is the most difficult requirement to meet, but you will appreciate it when it comes time to return your bags. Attempt to leave at least 20% of the suitcase empty. Furthermore, the globe is full with stores and supermarkets, so if you forget anything, you can easily get it.

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Fun Fact

Can you pack for 10 days in a carry-on?

Yes! You can pack 10 days of clothes in one carry-on bag. The key is to pack clothes that all work together, and of course, to use clothing organizers that maximize the space in your bag.

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