
How Do Dentists Fix Cavities?

Dentists Fix Cavities: How Long It Take To Heal

A cavity is a hole in the tooth that is caused by decay. It can develop when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria builds up on your teeth, causing minerals to leach out of your tooth enamel. Cavities are relatively common, but they can be prevented and treated if you learn how they form and what treatment options are available to you.

Your dentist will use a dental mirror, a metal dental pick, and sometimes a dental X-ray to examine your teeth. They will also use a dental probe to feel for decay. A white spot on the tooth’s surface is an early sign of decay. If you’re having trouble keeping up with brushing and flossing, or if you have diabetes or another condition that causes dry mouth, this could be why there are cavities in your teeth.

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What Are the Treatment Options?

Once you’ve seen your dentist and received a diagnosis of a cavity, what does he or she do next? The dentist can fill the cavity with a filling material like composite resin, amalgam, a mixture of metals, or glass ionomer cement. This treatment option is straightforward but may not be appropriate in some cases. Your dentist should discuss this with you before beginning treatment if it’s an option for your case.

In some cases, it’s necessary to remove more than just the decay from inside your tooth. If so, then he or she will take multiple small samples from all sides of the tooth in order to determine whether there are other areas that need attention as well as how deep into surrounding tissue pockets of decay have penetrated.

They Will Determine the Best Treatment

Your dentist will discuss all of your options with you. They’ll explain the different types of treatment, their benefits and risks, and give you time to ask questions. You may be able to choose from general anesthesia where you’ll sleep through most or all of the procedure, conscious sedation where you’ll be relaxed but awake, or local anesthetic shots, the numbing medicine is injected directly into the area that needs work.

Remove Decay

Once the cavity has been located, your dentist will use a dental drill to remove it. The size of the drill is determined by how deep or large the cavity is. If there’s very little decay, a small dental pick can be used to scrape away any remaining deposits on top and in between teeth, this should only be done if you have no cavities. If there’s substantial decay from deep within your tooth or from between teeth, then an electric or pneumatic handpiece will be employed instead of a manual drill, the higher speed allows for less pressure and less pain upon removal of decayed material.

Clean Tooth

After removing any remaining debris from the cavity, your dentist will use a dental pick to take a closer look at the tooth and determine whether the rest of it is intact. If there are cracks or other damage, your dentist will likely recommend repairing those as well.

If necessary, your dentist will clean off any plaque and tartar with a toothbrush before applying any sealant or filling materials. Some dentists also recommend flossing between teeth after every meal; others say this isn’t necessary unless you have already had problems with gum disease or other issues that might be exacerbated by food particles stuck in between teeth which often leads to decay.

Preparing for Filling Material

Dentists can fill cavities using either amalgam (silver-colored) fillings or tooth-colored composite resin materials. Amalgam is strong and durable, but it’s more likely than composites to cause sensitivity when exposed to heat and cold changes over time. Some people prefer composite fillings because they feel more comfortable about how their teeth look; others like them for their strength and durability compared with amalgams.

Cementing in Place

The dentist will then use a special bonding agent to cement the filling material in place. The dentist may use one of several different types of dental resin, depending on your needs and preferences. Resin fills are usually made from composite resins or tooth-colored materials, both of which are very durable and effective at preventing further decay.

Fill The Cavity

The dentist will fill the cavity with a filling material. The dentist has several different options for filling materials, but the most common types are resin and composite. Resin is made from acrylic resin and monomer that are mixed together in a syringe, which allows it to flow into the cavity. Composite fillings, on the other hand, are made of plastic resin, pigment and photo-initiation chemicals that can be activated by light in order to bond with tooth structure. Gold fillings are another option; they are more expensive than other materials but also more durable.

The choice between these various types of filling material is based on factors including cost and durability: while resin and composite may last longer than gold over time, they’re generally less expensive options available to patients without dental insurance or who don’t want to pay extra for durability

Giving The Filling Time to Harden

After the filling is placed, you must wait for it to harden before chewing on it. The dentist will tell you how long to wait before returning for a checkup. If a filling breaks down and needs replacement, it’s likely because the material was not strong enough or not properly installed in the first place.

Cavities can be fixed. It is important to get them treated as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of greater problems. You may be wondering how a dentist can fix a cavity. You are not alone. The fact is, it’s not as simple as just giving your teeth a good scrubbing with some toothpaste and then going on about your day. The process of repairing cavities requires specialized training for both the doctor and their staff.

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Dentists fix cavities by removing the decayed portion of the tooth and filling the hole that is left behind. There are different types of fillings that can be used, and the type that is best for you will depend on the size and location of the cavity, as well as your own personal preferences. If you have a cavity, be sure to see your dentist as soon as possible so that it can be treated before it gets worse. We hope this blog helped answer the question, “How do dentists fix cavities?”

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Kelly W
Kelly W
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