
André Alexis’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite André Alexis Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author André Alexis, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with André Alexis you will find my Ten favourites of André Alexis’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“…you can’t know what a life has been until it is over.”
― André Alexis, Fifteen Dogs

 “One morning, they discovered that they’d dreamed of the same field, the same clouds, the same house in the distance – wooden with a red-brick chimney. They had dreamed of the same squirrels and rabbits. They had drunk from the same clear stream. There was only one difference: when Nira, in her dream, looked into the water, she saw Majnoun’s face reflected back at her, while Majnoun, in his, saw Nira’s face where his should have been. The fact of this shared dream was so moving to Nira that, ever after, she refused to allow anyone – even Miguel – to refer to Majnoun as ‘her’ dog.”
― André Alexis, Fifteen Dogs

“… she refused to allow anyone – even Miguel – to refer to Majnoun as ‘her’ dog.
– I’m as much his as he’s mine, she’d insist.
Her friends – and her husband – thought this an annoying eccentricity. Majnoun knew what she meant – that she was not his master – and he was grateful. But in his heart he felt as if he did belong to her, in the sense that he was a part of Nira and she a part of him.”
― André Alexis, Fifteen Dogs

 “– And yet, said Atticus, I am sometimes afraid that I will not know the feeling again, that I will never again know what it is to be a dog among dogs. This thinking of yours, black dog, it is an endless, dead field. Since the change, I have been alone with thoughts I do not want.”
― André Alexis, Fifteen Dogs

 “Perfect understanding between beings is no guarantor of happiness. To perfectly understand another’s madness, for instance, is to be mad oneself. The veil that separates earthly beings is, at times, a tragic barrier, but it is also, at times, a great kindness.”
― André Alexis, Fifteen Dogs

 “Death was in every fibre of these creatures. It was hidden in their languages and at the root of their civilizations. You could hear it in the sounds they made and see it in the way they moved. It darkened their pleasures and lightened their despair.”
― André Alexis, Fifteen Dogs

“The light that moves is not the light. The light that stays is not the light. The true light rose countless sleeps ago. It rose, even in the mouth of birds.”
― André Alexis, Fifteen Dogs

 “The group of people in front of her was jovial and paid her no attention. The group behind was much the same. She was alone without being alone.”
― Andre Alexis, Pastoral

“Beyond the hills, a master is who knows our secret names. With bell and bones, he’ll call us home, winter, fall or spring.”
― André Alexis, Fifteen Dogs

“The grass is wet on the hill. The sky has no end. For the dog who waits for his mistress, Madge, noon comes again.”
― André Alexis, Fifteen Dogs

10 Famous Quotes by Author André Alexis

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by André Alexis, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author André Alexis.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for André Alexis. 

One Final Bonus – André Alexis Quote 

“Nira was uncomfortable with power or even with the appearance of it. One day, she asked Majnoun if he would put her on a leash, their positions being reversed. He had answered ‘no,’ and this had made Nira feel even more uncomfortable. But Majnoun had, in fact, misunderstood her question. If she had said – Masters have agreed that their submissives must be bound to them with leashes and collars. If you were a master, would you keep me on a leash? Majnoun would, without hesitation, have answered ‘yes.’ If she had been his submissive, he would naturally have treated her according to the custom. Order in a pack is maintained through convention, and it made no sense, as far as Majnoun was concerned, to overturn conventions that worked. But he had understood her question on a more practical level. He had thought of how awkward it would be for him to hold a leash in his mouth while Nira walked about on her hands and knees. Understanding the question as he had, the only possible answer had been the ‘no’ he’d given.)”

― André Alexis, Fifteen Dogs

Dave P
Dave P
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