
10 Best Books On Stoicism For Beginners

10 The Best Books on Stoicism For Beginners

When it happens in the classics, it usually occurs when individuals assume they know everything there is to know despite having read very little on the topic. Because they don’t know enough to recognise, they are unaware of how much they don’t know. The ancient Stoics believed excessive study may be a fault if it didn’t genuinely strengthen our character. In Stoicism, knowledge for its own sake is not a virtue. It is pointless for academics to debate the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin. Stoicism doesn’t involve devouring countless volumes. 10 Best Books On Stoicism For Beginners But it’s also not about being a lazy thinker.

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According to Epictetus, the fundamental tenets of Stoicism are actually fairly straightforward. “To make proper use of our impressions,” for instance. But as Epictetus also states, the explanation takes time and might become long if people don’t comprehend what it implies. Regarding the most significant aspects of life, ignorance cannot be made into a virtue. For instance, Marcus Aurelius was an avid reader despite telling himself to put his books aside. He intended for him to quit wasting time on pointless studies and stop debating the qualities of a decent man in favour of simply being. People may learn a lot about reading the Stoics by doing further research, especially by reading contemporary works. 

The following are the top 10 books on Stoicism for beginners.

1. Applied Stoicism: Take Back Control of Your Chaotic Mind By R.K. Jones

Applied Stoicism: Take Back Control of Your Chaotic Mind takes you on a transformational journey from start to finish. R.K. Jones explores what it means to take control of our internal battle between chaos and order. All throughout our lives, our consciousness and who we are are in a constant state of flux, because we are our own worst enemies.

Applied Stoicism is an easy-to-follow guide that gives you not only exercises for improving your life, but also the knowledge behind them. In a world that is constantly changing, Stoicism remains at the core of modern-day functionality.

2. The Art of Living By Epictetus (Lead Author), Sharon Lebell (Translator)

How can you quickly comprehend Stoicism and how it might benefit you? Although many excellent works on Stoicism, not all are simple to understand. They are not brief if they are simple to follow. The Handbook of Epictetus has been translated into The Art of Living by Sharon Lebell in a clear and intelligible manner. If you read this book for only a few hours and use its advice, you can improve yourself and have a happier life. Epictetus demonstrates how to live a life that results in liberty and happiness in this book. Why this version? This book does not accurately translate the Art of Living and the original text. It is rendered in contemporary English, making it an ideal location for newcomers to begin their study of Stoicism.

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3. Letters From A Stoic By Seneca

Seneca, born in 4 BCE, lived during the reigns of Rome’s first five emperors. Oddly, at least three emperors had expressed a desire for his death. Caligula did it first in 37 CE. Claudius followed in 41 CE. Nero finally took office in 65 CE. At Nero’s command, Seneca committed suicide.

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A collection of 124 articles presented as letters to Lucilius is called Letters or Epistles. These were written by Seneca during his final two years in exile on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. These letters were his means of alleviating the tension he was experiencing at the time. Seneca’s buddy Lucilius served as Sicily’s procurator at the time and was an adherent of the Epicurean school. Seneca’s Letters make an effort to convert him to Stoicism. The Letters develop into a comprehensive manual of suggestions and ideas on Stoic philosophy. The first person to translate these letters from Latin to English was Thomas Lodge in 1614. This is one of the best books on stoicism for beginners

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4. Lives of the Stoics: The Art of Living from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius By Ryan Holiday, Stephen Hanselman

Stories are more effective at teaching us than reading about intangible ideas. The history of the early Stoics is told in Lives of the Stoics. They were who? The way they thought. How did they squalor? Knowing how other Stoics applied their philosophy to their own lives—specifically, how they dealt with adversity—helps us if we wish to live a stoic existence. What was their response to betrayal? How did they manage their wealth? How did they handle life’s ups and downs? The book’s voice is less authoritative and more casual and personable. However, one of the better books on Stoicism is this one. Holiday and Hanselman present real-world examples of people who lived by the principles and the outcomes they achieved rather than offering advice on using the Stoic principles to lead a better life. If you are serious about practicing Stoicism, reading this book will be very beneficial to you. There is no better way to start living a stoic lifestyle. This novel stands out. There isn’t a single alternative that even comes close in my mind.

Read: A Brief History of Stoicism – Poet | Musician – Simon Drew

5. Guide To The Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy – William Irvine

In this book, William B. Irvine explores the wisdom of the Stoic school of philosophy, which was among the most well-liked and prosperous in ancient Rome. He demonstrates how its knowledge and insight are still strikingly relevant to contemporary living. Irvine presents Stoicism in a new way, showing how this old school of thought still has relevance for today’s world. Irvine provides a road map for anybody wishing to steer clear of the feelings of ongoing dissatisfaction that so many of us experience using psychological insights and practical Stoic tactics.

6. Meditations: A New Translation By Marcus Aurelius (Lead Author), Gregory Hays (Translator)

After reading the Handbook and getting a sense of Stoicism, you should read Meditations, perhaps the most popular and well-liked of all the Stoic classics. It was a notebook that the monarch and philosopher Marcus Aurelius kept while he was fighting. Marcus kept a private notebook called Meditations that was never meant for public use. However, it became one of the most read texts on Stoicism decades later. It teaches us how to conduct our lives with integrity, beauty, compassion, and reason and gives us a path out of our simple binds. It is complete with helpful advice. Why did you translate this? There are various versions of this work, but Meditations by Gregory Hays is the Best Books On Stoicism For Beginners, especially for novice readers. This translation is more readable for contemporary readers and less literal than most others.

7. Stoicism (Ancient Philosophies) – John Sellars

This book offers a clear, in-depth introduction to this illustrious philosophical system. The three main divisions of Stoic doctrine are examined, with a summary of the school’s history and philosophy. John Sellars provides historical details on the lives and writings of the ancient Stoic philosophers as well as summaries, analyses, and evaluations of their core logical, physical, and ethical principles. A remarkable description of the Stoic tradition from late antiquity to the present is also included by him. 

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8. Stoicism, a very short introduction By Brad Inwood

You can learn much about Stoicism and how it can improve your life if you read the three works recommended above. However, these publications do not provide a thorough overview of Stoic philosophy. They frequently overlook important facets of Stoicism. Get this book if you want a complete grasp of Stoic philosophy without having to invest a lot of time or money. Brad Inwood, a renowned Stoic scholar, provides a concise explanation of what Stoicism is all about in just 152 pages. If you take Stoicism seriously, you must eventually know what the movement was. No book competes with this one due to its brevity, thoroughness, and clarity.

See: Five Reasons Why Stoicism Matters Today – Forbes

9. Unshakable Freedom: Ancient Stoic Secrets Applied to Modern Life – Chuck Chakrapani

Chuck Chakrapani outlines the Stoic methods for achieving total freedom in this book, regardless of who you are or the difficulties you face in life. Chuck examines how everyone may acquire personal independence using a few mind-training strategies using contemporary examples. The author does a fantastic job of demonstrating how these ancient concepts are pertinent to current living in what is acknowledged as one of the best works on Stoicism. It is a terrific introduction to Stoic beliefs and practices. Stoic ideas are conveyed extremely succinctly and effectively, and the book is the Best Book on stoicism for beginners packed with valuable exercises that may be applied to various real-world issues.

10. The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations On Wisdom, Perseverance, And The Art Of Living – Ryan Holiday, Stephen Hanselman 

This daily source of Stoic inspiration, presented in a page-per-day format, mixes fresh translations of Seneca, Epictetus, and Zeno with the writers’ exhortations to further thought and action. This manual offers twelve guidelines for conquering challenges and finding more happiness. It is arranged thematically and follows the same three motions (Perception, Action, Will).

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Teboho Ibrahim
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