Sponsored Post Guidelines

To publish a sponsored post on our travel platform, please include the following information in your request:

Topic proposals;

Linking to the website of your choice;

An example of an article you have previously written.

Budget for our services

We will accept your Guest/sponsored Post once you have read and agreed to the guidelines below. The conditions below are considered automatically agreed once the article is sent to us.

Posts sponsored by brands

Due to the fact that we are a freelancer and not a company, the prices reflect our work in setting up the article and layout. There is no charge for the link.

Unless otherwise agreed, one link is allowed for each article;

The links will be removed, the content will be kept, and the content will be modified as necessary if we do not receive payment within one week;

Unless otherwise agreed, the term for articles is one year. If the article is not renewed at the end of the term, links will be removed, but the content will remain online.

Articles should be informative and about the topic, not the company!

We will follow Google and legal guidelines and disclose the post’s nature discreetly to our readers;

Don’t forget to follow the General Guidelines for content and formatting!

Here are some general guidelines for guest blogging

There must be originality, information, and adherence to the topic given or chosen. The article will be rejected if it contains spammy content.

A 500- to 1500-word article is generally recommended;

If you are submitting an article, read it several times to ensure that it is written correctly, that there are no typos, and that it is punctuated correctly;

During the review process, we will request that you modify the content if it is not satisfactory;

 Unless otherwise agreed, we will select the category that best fits the article;

We will include a few lines of introduction at the beginning of each Guest Post;

It is very welcome to use SEO optimization and keywords naturally, but no keyword stuffing! It is better to pay less than more with a 3% rate.

Besides the author’s site, other relevant external links can be included.

Guest and sponsored posts are not guaranteed to be featured on our front page or social media, unless otherwise agreed.

You need to do the following

The article should be provided in a text document, without html formatting, and the font and the color shouldn’t be changed. In an e-mail message, you can attach the text;

In the case of Guest posts (not Sponsored posts), authors can include a short bio with a maximum of 80 words. Please include your own bio with the article if you want one. The Bio can include a link, but only to personal pages, unless otherwise agreed;

In order to link the author’s bio to their name, they must provide it;

You may want to use the same keywords in the title as in the text;

The meta description should be 140-250 characters (as it will appear in Google search) and the meta keywords should be 5-15 comma separated keywords.

Include photos as specified below.

Pexels, Pixabay or Unsplash

We will do ourselves style, headers and photo layout, to avoid confusion and loss of time for both.

For any other question, please contact us.