
Urine Color: What It Tells Us Good Or Bad Health?

Urine Color Can Shows The Health Condition

The color of our urine might reveal a lot about our overall health. The color of your urine indicates whether or not you are drinking enough; it may also suggest significant ailments and is therefore often utilized by physicians as a diagnostic tool. You may also do your first health examination at home by examining the color of your urine.

Urine Color: The Scale

The pee should not just vanish into the toilet; it is worth checking into the bowl now and again. Because pee contains a wealth of information about our health.

The color of your urine reflects whether you’ve had enough to drink or whether you’re sick.

First and foremost, a disclaimer: The color of urine, like bowel motions, may be affected by particular meals, including the smell: everyone knows this during asparagus season. Beetroot, on the other hand, may color urine red without causing sickness.

The urine color should be light yellow to amber, with minor variances not causing concern. However, if a change lasts longer or gives you worry, you should see a physician.

Urine color is an essential diagnostic tool for physicians since it might signal various disorders.

What Is Urine?

Urine is 95% water, with the remainder consisting of acid, salts, urea, and breakdown products. The kidneys filter the blood and expel toxic elements, which are ultimately excreted via the urine.

How Much Is Normal

Humans should eliminate 500 milliliters of urine every day. Polyuria is defined as the production of more than 2.5 liters of urine each day. Oliguria is defined as 400 to 500 milliliters per day, whereas anuria is defined as fewer than 100 milliliters per day.

How Does Urine Turn Yellow?

Urochromes, such as the bilirubin breakdown products stercobilin and urobilinde, color the urine yellowish. When the blood pigment or haemoglobin is broken down, bile pigment is generated.

The color intensity is influenced by the concentration of urochromes in the urine. The fast test may also be performed at home using specific test strips: This enables you to establish a primary diagnostic of carbohydrate metabolism, kidney and liver function, acid-base balance, and the presence of bacteriuria, among other things. The urine strips are not a replacement for a trip to the doctor!

So What Does The Urine Color Reveal?

Any odd urine color should be explored; if the change continues and causes you concern, you should see a physician.

The urine color is usually produced by a harmless reason, such as a lack of drink or specific meals.

The urochromes determine the color of the urine: a larger concentration causes yellow pee (hypertonic), whereas a lower concentration causes a yellow-orange color (for example, after dehydration). The urine appears pale yellow to colorless when the concentration is low (hypotonic).


You drank a lot, maybe too much, as seen by the diluted urine. If you’re always thirsty, you might consider being tested for diabetes.

Light Yellow/Yellow

Fine. This hue of pee is just normal: you’ve had plenty to drink.

Dark Yellow/Amber

You probably haven’t drank enough if your pee is a dark yellow or even amber tint. Because no one drank at night, the pee is generally a bit darker in the morning. So get yourself a drink of water right now!

Beer Colors/Syrup

You are already dehydrated if your pee is stained like this, and you should drink something immediately. This hue, however, may also signal liver illness, thus the same rules apply here: Consult a doctor if the discoloration continues.


There is a deficit of fluids here as well, which should be addressed promptly. If the discoloration continues, you should see a physician, since the reason might be gallbladder or liver problems.

Bilirubinuria and consequently jaundice (icterus) or Meulengracht illness might be indicated by dark orange or brown urine. A trip to the doctor is also required here!

Brown urine may potentially be a sign of kidney or bladder cancer, so see your doctor right once.


Even if this hue gives you the creeps in the bathroom: Foods high in carotene or betanin, such as beetroot, rhubarb, or blueberries, may induce a pink coloring, which isn’t always hazardous.

If you haven’t eaten any of these items, you should see a doctor if your urine is this color, since it might indicate a variety of diseases: Infections, renal illness, prostate issues, or poisoning may all cause blood in the urine.

Blue Green

This hue of urine is very uncommon and may be caused by a hereditary condition. A bacterial infection is another possibility. Go to the doctor if the discoloration continues. Certain meals or drugs, on the other hand, may cause blue-green urine.

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Kelly W
Kelly W
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.
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