
Surprising Facts About Hares You Need to Know

Hares are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors and adaptations that set them apart from other animals. Here are some surprising facts about hares that you might find interesting:

Hares vs. Rabbits:

Hares and rabbits are often confused, but they are distinct species. Hares are generally larger, have longer legs and ears, and give birth to fully developed young (leverets) that are covered in fur and can see shortly after birth, while rabbits are smaller, have shorter ears and legs, and give birth to blind, furless babies.

Fast Runners:

Hares are known for their incredible speed. They are among the fastest land animals, capable of reaching speeds of up to 45 miles per hour (72 kilometers per hour) to escape predators.

Larger Feet and Legs:

Hares have larger hind feet and longer legs than rabbits. This adaptation allows them to cover longer distances quickly and efficiently.

Leaping Abilities:

Hares have powerful hind legs that enable them to leap great distances in a single bound, making them agile and efficient jumpers.

Diet and Digestion:

Hares are herbivores and mainly feed on grasses and plants. They practice coprophagy, a behavior where they consume their own fecal pellets to extract additional nutrients.

Solitary Behavior:

Unlike rabbits, which often live in social groups called warrens, hares are typically solitary animals. They tend to have larger home ranges and prefer to live alone.


The fur of hares changes color with the seasons to provide better camouflage. In the winter, their fur becomes lighter to blend in with snowy surroundings, and in the summer, it darkens to match the landscape.


Hares are relatively quiet animals, but they can make various vocalizations, including grunts, whimpers, and screams, when they are alarmed or threatened.

These surprising facts highlight the unique adaptations and behaviors of hares, showcasing their resilience and intriguing characteristics in the animal kingdom.

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