
Dealing With Mental Health Concerns: Signs It’s Time To Seek Help


Every day we are dealing with health issues, pushing ourselves to the very edge, only to get a given hour of sleep each night. Without even knowing, you are doing recoverable damage to your body and mind.

Before we proceed to the excerpt below, which discusses the matter better, we wish to ask you a few questions-

Are you having trouble sleeping?

Hobbies that you once enjoyed not bringing the same joy?

Have you started lashing out at everyone?

Sudden aches in your body?

Finding it difficult to finish your work within a given deadline?

If the answer to more than two of these questions is yes, then your mental health is deteriorating, and you need immediate help. For people who are still lying to themselves, we would suggest you not do so. Because even if the answer is strong, ‘maybe,’ you are simply in denial about your mental state.

These are sure shot signs of poor headspace and mental exhaustion. In this excerpt below, we will be discussing a few more of these signs that you shouldn’t ignore.

Signs It Is Time To Seek Help

When dealing with any of the signs below, you should know that your own efforts are failing. This is why taking professional help becomes so important.

1. Unable To Find Motivation In The Morning

Yes, we all suffer from some form of sleep inertia. This is a condition of total cluelessness and inability to get up from bed after a long sleep. However, this is generally a phase that goes away after a while.

If this feeling of melancholy persists for more than two hours post waking up, it could be the earliest sign of depression. On the other hand, the lack of motivation could be because you are stuck in a monotonous mental loop.

Where nothing seems exciting anymore, and you are simply surviving. Falling into survival mode is the biggest sign of a poor mental state. No matter how difficult it is physically to wake up, there should be an emotional intrinsic motivation to help you.

2. You Having Started Indulging In Substances

We all have those days of late-night parting and waking up with a hangover. However, if it is becoming an everyday affair, then you are a troubled person in denial. There is one simple reason why individuals turn to substances almost daily.

Their regular chemicals are unable to uplift their mood. Thus, they are forcing dopamine, and endorphins release with the help of these substances. This is a one-stop shop for dependency leading to addiction.

Rather than spending thousands to afford a glass or two of wine every day, you should immediately seek professional help and try to discover the underlying problem in the matter.

3. Sudden Emotional Outburst

“Touching a normal person is always better than touching a burnt victim.” The pain is heightened upon a simple touch. So, if you are finding yourself in situations where a simple comment is invigorating to the point of an outburst-

Do you have an emotional burn?

Emotional outbursts are not common for a normal person. First, they are resilient in dealing with simple problems. Second, they have a tendency not to take other people’s words to heart. Third, they have a steady EQ to control their anger and not let it overpower them.

These are also signs of good mental health. Therefore, the opposite is a symptom that you are not okay.

4. Appetite Change

Either you will want to guzzle down unhealthy junk all day. Or, you will have no appetite to eat anything all day. Keeping beside the adversities either of the consequences can have on your body, it could be a warning sign of chronic depression.

Dopamine (happy chemical) release decreases when you are going through a depressive period. Food is one such source that gives you that dopamine release. However, when someone is suffering from depression, normal healthy food fails to deliver the chemical balance.

This is when individuals generally take two routes. They either stop eating altogether because of the lack of mood upliftment. Or, they will start eating junk which delivers more happy chemicals. The worst part of this habit, it can lead to other eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia. Therefore, call for help before it is too late.

5. Self-Criticism

Are you constantly in the dilemma that you are doing no good? Always criticizing yourself no matter how hard you work. Or finding yourself always being your worst critic, no matter how much you try.

Trying to hustle and being your best self is different than always holding yourself accountable for every tiny detail. When the criticism starts getting destructive, it is time for you to step back. Stop the damage you are doing to your self-esteem because it won’t be worth it in the long term.

Your guilty conscience will be heightened to an abnormal rate, and you will falter before taking a good risk. Whether it is for your career or personal life, this type of living is not healthy.

6. Losing Interest In Almost Everything

Even if our work is stressful at times, we have other activities which act as stress relief. For some, it is taking a long bath, going for a walk, working out, or even painting. However, if you are having trouble finding interest in your regular hobbies, it is a tell-tale sign of burnout.

You are so mentally exhausted that even the interesting activities have lost their charm. Mental exhaustion can lead to physical tiredness to the extreme point that you do not wish to indulge in any other activity.

This often means you are taking more on your plate than you can stomach, especially in terms of stress.

How To Seek That Help?

Here is how you should seek help for your mental health. You can visit here to find the best professional help for your mental health challenges.

Research: Find local mental health providers or clinics online or through referrals.

Contact: Reach out to them via phone or email to inquire about services.

Appointments: Schedule an initial consultation with a therapist or counselor.

Share openly: During the session, be honest about your concerns and feelings.

Listen to professionals: Follow the advice and treatment plans recommended by the mental health provider.

Support network: Seek support from friends, family, or support groups.

Crisis helplines: For urgent situations, contact crisis hotlines or emergency services.

Self-care: Practice self-care routines, like exercise and mindfulness, to complement therapy.

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