
How To Outreach To Podcasts In 2023 To Be A Guest.


Podcasts are a great way to learn new things, get a different perspective on current events, and hear some of the most engaging people in the world talk about their lives and careers. Listening to podcasts can make one learn so much.

What is even better than learning new content? Getting paid to share that knowledge with other people. And there’s nothing more rewarding than being asked by a potential guest on their podcast if they can be on yours.

This post will cover how you can become an expert in your industry and get yourself onto podcasts as often as possible.

It’ll discuss why podcast guests are essential to building your brand, how to find shows you want to appear on, and how to reach out for interviews when the time comes.

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1. Social Proof

Social proof is the phenomenon in which the actions of others influence people. The idea is that it must be good if many people are doing something. The proper use of social proof can help you demonstrate value and expertise to your audience.

And it can also help you connect with podcast hosts.

Let’s say your goal is to get on a podcast as a guest host or co-host (i.e., share the mic with someone else). You should make yourself known so that when the host looks at his inbox and sees your request, he remembers who you are and why he should invite you to his show.

2. Build Social Media Following

A social media presence plays an important role in any business, and it can be used in many ways, including growing your audience and engaging with them. When reaching out to podcasts as a guest, you should start by building your social media presence to reach the podcast’s audience.

Once again, I will use my example as an illustration: I started using Twitter in 2010 and now have close to 200k followers on that platform alone.

Most of my followers are people who listen to podcasts, so it makes sense for me to engage with them through my tweets about what I’m listening to or watching (which is often related).

3. Engage with People on the Podcast Online

As a guest on a podcast, you must start building an audience for yourself. You can achieve this by ensuring that people on the podcast know who you are. So what can you do? Well, your first step is engaging with other people online. But how exactly do you go about doing this? There are three key steps:

  • Engage with other podcasts or shows that have similar audiences as yours and then share their content through social media and your own website/blog.
  • Use your own website/blog (or even Twitter) as another way of promoting both yourself and the show/podcast that wants to feature you as a guest on their show. This will help keep engagement levels between all parties involved in bringing guests onto each others’ podcasts.

Just remember: always link back when posting anything from someone else’s site; otherwise, they won’t see any traffic coming from their page unless there’s something there specifically tying back towards theirs like an ad banner, etcetera which most don’t have room for anymore due lack advertising budget so you get my drift here hopefully.

4. Leverage your Network

  • Ask for a recommendation.

If you have a friend who’s been on a podcast, ask them to recommend you to the host. If you’re already in touch with the podcast host, they might be able to advise you and make it easier for them to see that you’re both on the same level.

  • Ask for a testimonial.

Essentially, a testimonial is an endorsement of your business or product by someone else—so it helps if this person is well-known and respected in their field, too. The more prominent name they are (and more reputable), the better.

  • Ask for a referral

If someone has had experience working with others who run businesses similar to yours, they could put you in touch with them so that both parties can benefit from each other’s skillsets. This is especially helpful if those other businesses are similar enough that there aren’t any conflicts between what each party offers but different enough that one isn’t just replicating another’s services entirely.

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5. Befriend a Similar Podcast Host

If you know someone who’s been on a show and has gotten great feedback, reach out to them! Tell them about your show and ask for their advice about reaching out to the other host.

If you can’t find any hosts who’ve been on similar shows, there are still ways to make connections with other podcasters:

  • Go to events where podcasters are present. This can be as easy as attending local meetups or conferences from organizations like PodCon and Podcast Movement, where many podcasters attend (you’ll find these by searching Google).
  • Reach out directly via social media or email if possible. You can often find contact info through a podcast’s website; if not, send an email anyway because it’s better than nothing! Just ensure you send personalized emails instead of bulk-sending generic ones (and always be polite).

6. Show your Value

As the show host, one looks for guests who can offer a unique perspective on my topic. To illustrate this idea, let’s look at an example:

  • You’re a certified chef with a few cookbooks under your belt. You want to be on a podcast about cooking so that you can share your expertise with listeners and teach them how to make creative dishes.
  • Another person loves baking cupcakes as much as listening to podcasts about cooking or baking. They want to be on a podcast because they think it will help them learn more about creating delicious treats and improve their skills as an amateur baker (and maybe also because they’re trying to convince me that cupcakes are dessert instead of breakfast).

Both these people have valuable things to share with audiences, but only one has something different from what other people might contribute: knowledge about cooking and baking techniques that isn’t readily available elsewhere in any other format than podcasts.

7. Offer to Promote the Podcast

Share the podcast episode on social media channels. If you’re not already following the show, you can use this as an opportunity to reach out and let them know what you do.

You can also offer to share their podcast episode on your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, or even ask if they would like you to guest host an episode.

Share the podcast episode on your blog/website/email newsletter. You can always promote it in a way that makes sense for what kind of business or brand you have.

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Hopefully, these seven tips will help you get your foot in the door with a podcast host. If it’s something that sounds interesting, don’t be afraid to reach out.

Even if they don’t end up being able to use your expertise right away, it never hurts to leave them with something they can keep on file for later down the line.

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.
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