
How To Get CBD Products In Australia?

CBD Products in Australia? Is it Possible?

Cannabinoids: CBD & THC

There are two main substances extracted from cannabis plants. These are cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is usually found in the street or black-market cannabis, which is sold for recreational use, as it is the compound that causes the euphoric high that recreational drug users seek.  It is unlikely that black market cannabis would contain cannabinoids like CBD that are beneficial for treating medical conditions and pain symptoms. THC is labeled as a psychoactive compound and will bring out a psychoactive reaction from, making you high.

CBD and THC are both cannabinoids with varying results. Both of these are on the Controlled Drug Register in Australia, which means that they cannot legally be sold directly to the public. Only products with less than 0.01% of any cannabinoids can be sold directly to Australia’s public. However, 0.01% is not a sufficient dose for medical use.

Also See: Australia to Benefit From Legalisation of Cannabis Through Tax Revenue

What does it mean for people looking to buy CDB Over the Counter?

If you are looking for places to get CBD oil from Australia, you cannot do so without a doctor’s prescription, either online or over the counter. CBD is still classified as a Schedule 4 Controlled Drug by the Office of Drug Control.  You have to see a doctor who will have to apply to the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) to prescribe any CBD product.

Getting a CBD Prescription: 

Doctors affiliated with the Cannabis Doctors Australia (CDA) can write to the TGA for permission to prescribe a particular regulated and legalized product. Each permission a doctor sends is specific to a patient and product. The Doctor will review your medical condition and ensure that any medicines you are taking could react with CBD to make your current medications less or more effective.

Main Image Source : Pixabay

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Dave P
Dave P
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