
Brian Hodge’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Brian Hodge Quotes 

Brian Hodge, a writer whom I am guessing you love? Here are our 10 best Brian Hodge quotes for you to enjoy. At Australia Unwrapped we believe every book has at least one quotable line, and our mission is to find them all. Here you will find Brian Hodge’s top 10 popular and famous quotes. Like every good writer Brian Hodge made a number of memorable quotes, here are some of our favourites: 

Popular Quotes

“Without wonder, there’s no progress. Nothing gets done, nobody goes anywhere. If you don’t exercise your capacity for wonder…well, use it or lose it. A civilization without wonder is a civilization that’s starting to atrophy and die.”
― Brian Hodge, Whom the Gods Would Destroy

 “Nothing can play havoc with your sense of scale better than looking deeply into the night skies. It can leave you feeling immense and privileged one minute, minuscule and insignificant the next.”
― Brian Hodge, Whom the Gods Would Destroy

“Some dreams never leave you, because they’re more than just dreams. They’re truth, distilled to purest potency.”
― Brian Hodge, Whom the Gods Would Destroy

 “Let me see what I can come up with,’ she said, and seemed to take a new satisfaction in it now. Something wrong to do, a law to break, and if she was lucky she might even get to steal, and it must have been then that everything changed between us and each of us didn’t just have a neighbor to pass the time with but the closest thing either of us could find to a friend. (“Just Outside Our Windows, Deep Inside Our Walls”)”
― Brian Hodge, Best New Horror 22

 “Sometimes we sleep because we want to, sometimes because we need it, and sometimes we sleep in self-defense.”
― Brian Hodge, Whom the Gods Would Destroy

 “Of all the things I’d imagined in nightmares and dreams of dead things, the woman who gripped my leg was the worst and my last.”
― Brian Hodge, A Haunting of Horrors, Volume 2: A Twenty-Book eBook Bundle of Horror and the Occult

“Without wonder, there’s no progress. Nothing gets done, nobody goes anywhere. If you don’t exercise your capacity for wonder… well, use it or lose it. A civilization without wonder is a civilization that’s starting to atrophy and die.”
― Brian Hodge, Whom the Gods Would Destroy

 “So, not at first, but I eventually realized I was seeing this level of reality that’s going on right over our heads and most people have no idea it’s even there. I realized I was seeing the night sky as our ancestors did, and that by losing it, we’d lost our everyday touch with our place in the cosmos.”
― Brian Hodge, Whom the Gods Would Destroy

“It’s got you thinking — you’ve never really known anyone who’s died of natural causes, have you? Parents and grandparents, plus friends and neighbors and casual lovers, they’ve all left you too early, and in such ghastly ways. Cancers and violence, accidents and congenital defects, aneurysms of the brain and psyche. You’ve heard of people who’ve slipped peacefully away in their sleep, or in their favorite easy chairs, after ripe octogenarian lives, but suspect they must be mythical, in the company of unicorns and mermaids. If you didn’t know better, you’d think there was a deliberate methodology behind it all, a gradual pattern of calamity spiraling inward until, at last, you’re the only one left to be dealt with. You could be expected to think that, but don’t, because you still keep your wits about you, thank god— So to speak.”
― Brian Hodge, Falling Idols

“For the first time she realized she’d spent so much time mourning a world that had ended ages ago, hoping to resurrect it, that she’d never paid attention to what it was becoming. Or returning to again, now that it was unfettered. Where were the centaurs, she might have asked instead. Where were the gorgons, the furies, the giants and the gods?”
― Brian Hodge, The Weight of the Dead

10 Famous Quotes by Author Brian Hodge

Quotes for all, here you found our selection of 10 Brian Hodge quotes. Make sure you help by commenting your best Brian Hodge quote below and sharing our favourite authors so we can look them up, read some of their works and give you the best quotes we can find. We hope you enjoyed our top 10 quotes by Brian Hodge. However, feel free to comment below if you disagree or would like to include some other great and memorable Brian Hodge quotes in our list. 

One Final Bonus – Brian Hodge Quote 

“Of hope and optimism I have none … because instead I have experience. I know the reception I’ll meet with.”
― Brian Hodge, Falling Idols

Dave P
Dave P
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