
Brian Drake’s Top 1 Popular and Famous Quotes

One of My Favourite Brian Drake Quotes 

Brian Drake, a writer whom I am guessing you love? Here are our 1 best Brian Drake quotes for you to enjoy. At Australia Unwrapped we believe every book has at least one quotable line, and our mission is to find them all. Here you will find Brian Drake’s top 1 popular and famous quotes. Like every good writer Brian Drake made a number of memorable quotes, here are some of our favourites: 

Popular Quotes

“Not controlling people in the traditional sense. Not keeping them in cages or having border guards face inward. I mean giving people control. Establishing order. Most people simply aren’t equipped to handle the affairs of their own lives, so providing an environment where they are told what to do and when and how without the burden or stress of thought is what people like us can provide. That is the ultimate goal of our efforts.”
― Brian Drake, The Termination Protocol

1 Famous Quotes by Author Brian Drake

Quotes for all, here you found our selection of 1 Brian Drake quotes. Make sure you help by commenting your best Brian Drake quote below and sharing our favourite authors so we can look them up, read some of their works and give you the best quotes we can find. We hope you enjoyed our top 1 quotes by Brian Drake. However, feel free to comment below if you disagree or would like to include some other great and memorable Brian Drake quotes in our list. 

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Dave P
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