
Breaking The Language Barrier for German Gaming Market

The global gaming industry has grown tremendously over the last decade. More and more people like to play video games to refresh their minds. The purpose of entertainment can be fulfilled if the game is in their native language. 

Therefore, if game developers want to release their games in different markets then they must go for Video game translation services. Video games in gamers’ native language help them in immersing in the game and provide them with a pleasant game experience. 

German Gaming Market 

According to the report by Newzoo and G.A.M.E. Association, Germany is one of the largest gaming markets in Europe. It ranks at 5th number with approximately 49 million gamers. Thus German market provides ample opportunities for game developers. To take advantage of these lucrative markets must go for professional german translation services for their games. 

Do you know that 60% of German gamers watch gaming videos on Twitch and Youtube? These games are mostly action-fighting games. In addition, German people love to play games on mobile. Because of the gaming platform, PC games have lost their popularity.

The largest game conference Gamescom is held in Cologne each year. Around 400k developers and gamers attend this conference every year. Another important thing about Germany is that it is a country of technological innovations. Therefore, it attracted 320 game studios with more than 1000 employees. In short, German is a lucrative market for game developers. If they don’t go for game translation and localization services then you can miss a large share of the market. 

Use of Professional Software Translation Services

For software localization, it’s important to have a professional translation agency on board. The German language is known for its grammatical complexity and compound words. Therefore it becomes difficult to translate the video game accurately without a deep understanding of the language. This is where professional software translation services come in. These services have a team of experienced and qualified translators that have a deep understanding of both the source and target languages. They use specialized software and translation tools to ensure that the translation is not only accurate but also consistent and appropriate for the intended audience. In addition, they indulge in cultural insights that make video games resonate with the German market. 

Another advantage of hiring a translation agency is that they use specialized software to translate your game. They have customized the software to translate the games into different formats like text and video files. This softwares also provide quality assurance rules to make sure that translation is free from errors. They check the text and graphics of the game and make it appropriate for the target audience. 

Partner with Local Influencers

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool in the gaming industry, and it can be effective in the German market. Partnering with local influencers who have a strong following in Germany can help you reach a wider audience. Moreover, it helps in building trust with German gamers. Influencers can help promote your game, Highlight its features, and provide valuable feedback to help you improve. It’s important to choose influencers who align with your brand and target audience, as well as those who have a passion for gaming.

Attend Gaming Events in Germany

Many gaming events took place in Germany. You should attend these events. They help you build a network in the local gaming market. Moreover, it helps in building partnerships and collaborations with other gaming companies. The gaming event that took place in Germany is Gamescom and Berlin Games Week. You should do complete research before attending any event so that you can get maxim benefit from them. 

Build a German-Language Website and Support

To cater to German gamers, it’s essential to have a German-language website and support. This includes a German-language version of your website and also offers customer support in German. It will entice the people to download the game from the website and builds their interest in the game. 

Translating the Game from English To German 

When you translate the content from English to German then you will come to know that German words are very lengthy. Therefore, they take up more space. To avoid this problem, you should keep that through website localization you can get help in making translation easy and seamless which benefit the game development. In this way, you will create a user interface having ample space. This space can accommodate the German language. 

Wrapping Up 

Breaking the language barrier in the German gaming market requires the assistance of a professional translation company that uses cutting-edge softwares for game translation and localization. You should partner with local influencers, attend gaming events, and translate the gaming website into the German language to mitigate the language barriers. The important thing to note is that you should consider the game translation and localization from the game development phase. In this way, the game has ample space to accommodate the German language because German words are lengthy and takes large space. What is your strategy for breaking the language barrier in the German gaming market?

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