Ten of My Favourite Ben Coes Quotes
Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Ben Coes, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Ben Coes you will find my Ten favourites of Ben Coes’s quotes.
Popular Quotes
“his head. “Ring any bells?” asked the stranger.”
― Ben Coes, The Last Refuge
“Yet you killed my men. You’ve killed thousands already.” “When you come to our countries, what do you do?” asked Fortuna”
― Ben Coes, Power Down
“If you think you have nothing, then you do, and that’s when you’re defeated.”
― Ben Coes, Coup D’Etat
― Ben Coes, Bloody Sunday
“the white bath mat. The man kicked out and sent Qassou flying through the air, striking against the”
― Ben Coes, The Last Refuge
“inside the elevator. The door closed and the elevator went down, to a heavily fortified floor eleven stories below”
― Ben Coes, Power Down
“lot. A”
― Ben Coes, Eye for an Eye
“Tacoma and Calibrisi remained at Cosgrove’s house as two teams of CIA forensics experts and a six-person sanitization crew made it look as if nothing had happened at the house. The plaster wall where the bullet that had passed through the Russian’s thumb was embedded had been sanitized and patched up. All traces of blood upstairs and down were gone. Even an experienced investigator would have found nothing more than some molecular-level DNA. The cleaning process had included a thorough cataloging of all fingerprints in the house, followed by a methodical washing of every surface, followed by a radiological burst, in which every room in the house was exposed for a brief time”
― Ben Coes, The Russian
― Ben Coes, Coup D’Etat
“I can’t hold it!”
― Ben Coes, Power Down
10 Famous Quotes by Author Ben Coes
So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Ben Coes, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Ben Coes. Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Ben Coes.
One Final Bonus – Longer – Ben Coes Quote
“an instant, a simple swatch of light, then movement: the blond-haired executioner. She stood in a doorway just beyond the street corner, hiding, waiting, arms raised and weapon trained. The reflection in the car window saved Dewey from what would have been, in five feet or so, a warm bullet in the back of the head. Dewey stopped just before the corner, feet away from where the blond assassin lurked. He looked behind him, down the block he’d just run down, and saw a Laundromat. He dropped back and entered the Laundromat. He ran through the store, pushing his way past piles of laundry and women folding articles, to the back room, where a man sat, smoking a cigarette in front of a pile of papers. “Lo siento,” murmured Dewey as he charged through the office toward an alley entrance, gun in hand. The sirens became louder, multiple vehicles joining in the distance. Out the door and across the alley and through a dented steel door. Inside, stacks of bread loaves, other boxes of food, the smell of meat. He moved through the storage room and entered the back of a bodega. Colt .45 cocked in front of him, he passed a middle-aged woman who fainted as she saw the weapon in his hand. Catching the eye of the man at the cash register, Dewey held a finger to his lips. There, at the side of the entrance, her back to the store, stood the blond assassin. Suddenly another customer, an elderly woman, screamed as she saw Dewey with gun. The blonde turned abruptly, leveling what he now saw was an HK UMP compact machine gun with a six-inch suppressor on the end. A full auto hail of bullets crashed through the windows as she swept the weapon east-west. The elderly woman’s screams ended abruptly as a bullet ripped through her head and killed her. The assassin’s bullets shattered the storefront’s glass, but Dewey was already down and partially hidden by a chest freezer, which shielded him from the slugs. As soon as the blonde’s gun swept past him, Dewey had a clear sight. He fired twice, two quick shots into the assassin’s neck and chest, flinging her backward onto the brick sidewalk in a shower of blood and glass. Dewey ran”
― Ben Coes, Power Down