
Allison Brennan’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Allison Brennan Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Allison Brennan, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Allison Brennan you will find my Ten favourites of Allison Brennan’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“We can’t save everyone, so we have to do what we can when we can.”
“We can’t save everyone, so we have to do what we can when we can.”

 “Wherever you are, I will be happy as long as I’m with you.” August 2009 Dear Reader: For twelve books, I’ve written about the types of evil men and women commit against their fellow human”
― Allison Brennan, Cutting Edge

“So why isn’t the world overrun with evil spirits?”
Moira stared at her, a half-smile on her face. “Who says it isn’t?”
― Allison Brennan, Original Sin

 “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust. —JOHN WEBSTER Grant”
― Allison Brennan, Carnal Sin

 “Her fear was palatable: she tasted it, her pores oozed it, her hair tingled. Why”
― Allison Brennan, Killing Fear

 “Victory is sweet, but sweeter when your opponent is butt-ass naked in defeat.”
― Allison Brennan, Original Sin

“Promises didn’t mean much…Anything could happen when all was said and done.”
― Allison Brennan, Stolen

 “You don’t believe in miracles.”
“Sure I do. I just haven’t seen any lately.”
― Allison Brennan, Original Sin

“You need to have faith and trust, Moira.”
“And a little bit of pixie dust?”
― Allison Brennan, Original Sin

“The truth may be inconvenient, but it’s better than anything else.”
― Allison Brennan, Poisonous

10 Famous Quotes by Author Allison Brennan

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Allison Brennan, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Allison Brennan.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Allison Brennan. 

One Final Bonus – Allison Brennan Quote 

“People believe what they want to believe. They see no evil because they don’t want to. But evil is out there, and this is the result.” The holy man gestured to the dead girls. “You might not see the evil, Officer Kincaid, but you can see its handiwork right here.”

― Allison Brennan, See No Evil

Dave P
Dave P
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