Ten of My Favourite Aliette de Bodard Quotes
Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Aliette de Bodard, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Aliette de Bodard you will find my Ten favourites of Aliette de Bodard’s quotes.
Popular Quotes
“You leave behind your fine poems.
You leave behind your beautiful flowers. And the earth that was only leant to you. You ascend into the Light, O Quechomitl, you leave behind the flowers and the singing and the earth. Safe journey, O friend.”
― Aliette de Bodard, Servant of the Underworld
“I still couldn’t banish the image of the Quetzal Flower. In my mind, it merged with that of Priestess Eleuia: everything a man could desire or aspire to, a woman who would suck the marrow from your bones and still leave you smiling.”
― Aliette de Bodard, Servant of the Underworld
“a man of no religion, who dares use pain as a weapon, tainting it for mundane things”
― Aliette de Bodard, The Jaguar House, in Shadow
“We’ve discussed this before. Not just other people saying yes, but whether they mean it, or whether they’re just doing it because they’re afraid.”
― Aliette de Bodard, In the Vanishers’ Palace
“History is replete with the seeds of apocalypse. In particular, the 19th/early 20th Century in France was a time of country-shattering events, whether it was the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte (the creation and brutal upending of a whole new social order, within scarcely more than a decade), or the Great War (which devastated the country to a degree that is hard to believe today, wiping out an entire generation in the trenches). It was no great stretch to imagine a magical war engulfing Europe in 1914, and leaving Paris as a field of ruins filled with magical booby traps–the familiar monuments destroyed, the Seine overflowing with the residue of spells.
It’s no secret that I’m fascinated by the narrative of war, and of recovery after war: how people struggle to rebuild lives and go on in the wake of world-shattering devastation; how the past can still cast a long, terrible shadow over everything; how the years before the war become a golden thing, regardless of how many injustices and hardships might have been happening then. I’m equally fascinated by history–the narratives that get preserved and enshrined, the stories that are passed down; and the speed with which some things get forgotten while others endure for generations. For me, the vocabulary and tropes of post-apocalypse were a great way to tackle those subjects, and to imagine what would happen in a city that had such a traumatic event in its past.”
― Aliette de Bodard
“you feel like a field of sugar canes after the harvest—burnt out, all cutting edges with no sweetness left inside.”
― Aliette de Bodard, Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 69
“is almost pleasant, at first, to be Falling. The harsh, unwavering light of the City recedes, leaving you in shadow, leaving only memories of relief, of a blessed coolness seizing your limbs. Nothing has turned yet into longing, into bitterness, into the cold that will never cease, not even in the heat of summer.”
― Aliette de Bodard, The House of Shattered Wings
“Power is power. Those who hold it seldom remember where they came from.”
― Aliette de Bodard, The House of Shattered Wings
“IT is almost pleasant, at first, to be Falling. The harsh, unwavering light of the City recedes, leaving you in shadow, leaving only memories of relief, of a blessed coolness seizing your limbs. Nothing has turned yet into longing, into bitterness, into the cold that will never cease, not even in the heat of summer.”
― Aliette de Bodard, The House of Shattered Wings
“Nothing, until the ground comes up to meet you, and you land in a jumble of pain and shattered bones; and the scream you didn’t think you had in you scrapes your throat raw as you let it out—like the first, shocked breath of a baby newly born into a universe of suffering.”
― Aliette de Bodard, The House of Shattered Wings
10 Famous Quotes by Author Aliette de Bodard
So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Aliette de Bodard, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Aliette de Bodard. Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Aliette de Bodard.
One Final Bonus – Aliette de Bodard Quote
“All the heads of Houses looked like tigers who’d just caught prey— which boded ill for Silverspires.”
― Aliette de Bodard, The House of Shattered Wings