Ten of My Favourite A.J. Finn Quotes
Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author A.J. Finn, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with A.J. Finn you will find my ten favourites of A.J. Finn’s quotes.
Popular Quotes
“My head was once a filing cabinet. Now it’s a flurry of papers, floating on a draft.”
― The Woman in the Window
“I think of Dr. Brulov in Spellbound: “My dear girl, you cannot keep bumping your head against reality and saying it is not there.”
― The Woman in the Window
“I have a feeling that inside you somewhere, there’s something nobody knows about. —Shadow of a Doubt (1943)”
― The Woman in the Window
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned in all my time working with children, if I could whittle those years down to a single revelation, it’s this: They are extraordinarily resilient. They can withstand neglect; they can survive abuse; they can endure, even thrive, where adults would collapse like umbrellas.”
― The Woman in the Window
“And if I don’t want to die, I’ve got to start living.”
― The Woman in the Window
“Shaw also said, alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life.”
― The Woman in the Window
“Watching is like nature photography: You don’t interfere with the wildlife.”
― The Woman in the Window
“You can hear someone’s secrets and their fears and their wants, but remember that these exist alongside other people’s secrets and fears, people living in the same room.”
― The Woman in the Window
“The world is a beautiful place,” she insists, and she’s serious; her gaze is even, her voice level. Her eyes catch mine, hold them. “Don’t forget that.” She reclines, mashing her cigarette into the hollow of the bowl. “And don’t miss it.”
― The Woman in the Window
“I was fighting for my life. So I must not want to die. And if I don’t want to die, I’ve got to start living.”
― The Woman in the Window
10 Famous Quotes by Author A.J. Finn
So there you have it my ten favourite quotes by A.J. Finn, please comment below and share your favourite quote. Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for A.J. Finn.
One Final Bonus
“Something’s happening to me, through me, something dangerous and new. It’s taken root, a poison tree; it’s grown, fanning out, vines winding round my gut, my lungs, my heart.”
― A.J. Finn, The Woman in the Window